The Swedish Fire Protection Committee of Agriculture, FPCA

In Sweden known as Lantbrukets Brandskyddskommitté, LBK.

FPCA is a cooperation organisation for agriculture, authorities, organisations and insurance companies. The purpose of FPCA is to reduce fire losses and to work for the improvement of fire prevention and protection in agriculture. The work of FPCA is also aiming at more uniform and appropriate fire protection regulations. Furthermore, FPCA, is issuing written recommendations and information about loss preventive measures for hazardous installations and the safe working of these installations. FPCA is an organisation within The Swedish Fire Protection Association, SFPA.

In order to place agriculture in a total context I would briefly like to draw a picture of the extent of fire occurrences in buildings in Sweden.


In Sweden we have approximately 75 000 farms. Insurance companies annually register more than 20,000 fire damage, 2,000 of these at a cost of approximately SEK 600 million on agricultural insurance. Half of the fire damage concerns agricultural housing. Large fires cost 10-20 million per fire. Of the known fire causes, most are related to deficiencies in electrical systems, thunderstorms or surges, mechanical equipment and various forms of heating.

CFPA Europe

The European fire protection associations has produce common guidelines in order to achieve similar interpretation in European countries and to give examples of acceptable solutions, concepts and models. The Confederation of Fire Protection Associations in Europe (CFPA E) has the aim to facilitate and support fire protection activities across Europe. 

This guideline is primarily intended for the public. It is also aimed at the rescue services, consultants, safety companies and the like so that, in the course of their work, they may be able to help increase fire protection in society.

The guideline has been produced by Arne Kallstenius of The Swedish Fire Protection Association, in cooperation with Björn Björkman, Secretary of The Swedish Fire Protection Committee of Agriculture, FPCA